Universita di GenovaUniGe ¦ EcoSystemics

Pangeo Pathfinder Course


Flyer Pangeo Course - [Organismo Font Linea]


Pangeo Pathfinder Course


Richard Signell - Open Science Computing

Join us for this exciting learning opportunity:

Pangeo Pathfinder Short Course led by Richard Signell

Course Contents:

-Xarray advanced for meteocean data: CF-xarray, xoak, gribs, apply_ufunc, map_blocks, flox



-Holoviz: Hvplot, Geoviews, Holoviews, Datashader, Bokeh, Panel

-Cloud optimized data: Zarr, Kerchunk, Intake, STAC, Rechunker, xbitinfo, pangeo-forge

Course Schedule

5 days - 4 hours each day:

-thursday 18 april 09:00-13:00

-friday 19 april 09:00-13:00

-monday 22 april 09:00-13:00

-tuesday 23 april 11:00-13:00 and 14:00-16:00

-thursday 02 may 09:00-13:00

Limited spots available

Link to register:



University/PhD students - free

Public research institutions - 200€

Private companies - 300€

The course will be held at held at the Physics Department, Via Dodecaneso, 33, 16146 Genova Via Montallegro 1