Universita di GenovaUniGe ¦ EcoSystemics

MeteOcean at 'PhD Days and Marchi Lecture' at the University of Trieste on June 27-28

PhD students Beatrice Maddalena Scotto and Filippo Giaroli presented their work


PHD days - [Podio Schermo di proiezione Dispositivo di visualizzazione]

MeteOcean Reseach Group took part in the event "PhD Days and Marchi Lecture", organised by the Gruppo Italiano di Idraulica (GII) at the University of Trieste. The event provides a vibrant platform for researchers and professionals to discuss cutting-edge developments in the fields of Hydraulic Engineering, Maritime Hydraulic Structures, and Hydrology.

Today, PhD students Beatrice Maddalena Scotto and Filippo Giaroli presented their work.

Titled 'Marine Environmental Data Management and Postprocessing via ICT Tools', Beatrice's research focuses on the innovative use of Information and Communication Technology tools for managing and post-processing marine environmental data. Her work aims to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of data analysis in marine science, contributing to better environmental monitoring and decision-making.

Filippo's research titled ' Impacts and Risks of Extreme Coastal Water Level Events in the Mediterranean Sea' addresses the pressing issue of climate change and its impact on coastal regions. By analysing the risks associated with extreme coastal water level events in the Mediterranean Sea, his study provides valuable insights into future challenges and the necessary measures to mitigate these risks.

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported their presentations!