Universita di GenovaUniGe ¦ EcoSystemics

Installation of the TECCO® Trapunta system on the seabed of the Trieste Pier, Piombino

Technical conference and construction site visit


Seabed erosion - [Acqua Cielo Nuvola]

On April 16th, 2024, at Piombino, we took part in a technical conference coupled with a site visit to the construction site at Castello Bonaria in Campiglia Marittima, Livorno.

The project, developed with the scientific contribution of Professor Giovanni Besio, involves the installation of the TECCO® Trapunta system on the seabed of the Trieste Pier at the Port of Piombino. This system is designed to combat the erosive effects of ship propellers.

Thanks to the efforts of the BGPMountainScarL Consortium and Geobrugg Italia SrL teams, work started promptly, resulting in the completion of the first TECCO® Trapunta, which was ready for launch on schedule.