Universita di GenovaUniGe ¦ EcoSystemics

Andrea Lira Loarca chair at OSM 24

Mind the Gap: Understanding and Predicting Future Coastal Ocean Climates


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Andrea Lira Loarca participated as chair for the session “Mind the Gap: Understanding and Predicting Future Coastal Ocean Climates” which consisted on 2 oral sessions and 1 poster session at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 that took place in New Orleans from the 18th until the 23rd of February 2024.

Mind the Gap: Understanding and Predicting Future Coastal Ocean Climates

The global coastal ocean and ecosystems, as well as the communities that depend on them, are facing unprecedented threats due to climate change; such as rising sea-level, increasing extreme events and emerging ecosystem stressors, amongst others. Understanding the physical and biogeochemical processes that control the response of the coastal ocean to climate change, and developing the tools to accurately represent and project this response is essential for informed decision-making and management of climate risks.